.. _formula_examples: Fitting models using R-style formulas ===================================== Since version 0.5.0, ``statsmodels`` allows users to fit statistical models using R-style formulas. Internally, ``statsmodels`` uses the `patsy `_ package to convert formulas and data to the matrices that are used in model fitting. The formula framework is quite powerful; this tutorial only scratches the surface. A full description of the formula language can be found in the ``patsy`` docs: - `Patsy formula language description `_ Loading modules and functions ----------------------------- .. ipython:: python import statsmodels.formula.api as smf import numpy as np import pandas Notice that we called ``statsmodels.formula.api`` instead of the usual ``statsmodels.api``. The ``formula.api`` hosts many of the same functions found in ``api`` (e.g. OLS, GLM), but it also holds lower case counterparts for most of these models. In general, lower case models accept ``formula`` and ``df`` arguments, whereas upper case ones take ``endog`` and ``exog`` design matrices. ``formula`` accepts a string which describes the model in terms of a ``patsy`` formula. ``df`` takes a `pandas `_ data frame. ``dir(smf)`` will print a list of available models. Formula-compatible models have the following generic call signature: ``(formula, data, subset=None, *args, **kwargs)`` OLS regression using formulas ----------------------------- To begin, we fit the linear model described on the `Getting Started `_ page. Download the data, subset columns, and list-wise delete to remove missing observations: .. ipython:: python df = sm.datasets.get_rdataset("Guerry", "HistData").data df = df[['Lottery', 'Literacy', 'Wealth', 'Region']].dropna() df.head() Fit the model: .. ipython:: python mod = smf.ols(formula='Lottery ~ Literacy + Wealth + Region', data=df) res = mod.fit() print(res.summary()) Categorical variables --------------------- Looking at the summary printed above, notice that ``patsy`` determined that elements of *Region* were text strings, so it treated *Region* as a categorical variable. ``patsy``'s default is also to include an intercept, so we automatically dropped one of the *Region* categories. If *Region* had been an integer variable that we wanted to treat explicitly as categorical, we could have done so by using the ``C()`` operator: .. ipython:: python res = smf.ols(formula='Lottery ~ Literacy + Wealth + C(Region)', data=df).fit() print(res.params) Examples more advanced features ``patsy``'s categorical variables function can be found here: `Patsy: Contrast Coding Systems for categorical variables `_ Operators --------- We have already seen that "~" separates the left-hand side of the model from the right-hand side, and that "+" adds new columns to the design matrix. Removing variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The "-" sign can be used to remove columns/variables. For instance, we can remove the intercept from a model by: .. ipython:: python res = smf.ols(formula='Lottery ~ Literacy + Wealth + C(Region) -1 ', data=df).fit() print(res.params) Multiplicative interactions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ":" adds a new column to the design matrix with the product of the other two columns. "\*" will also include the individual columns that were multiplied together: .. ipython:: python res1 = smf.ols(formula='Lottery ~ Literacy : Wealth - 1', data=df).fit() res2 = smf.ols(formula='Lottery ~ Literacy * Wealth - 1', data=df).fit() print(res1.params) print(res2.params) Many other things are possible with operators. Please consult the `patsy docs `_ to learn more. Functions --------- You can apply vectorized functions to the variables in your model: .. ipython:: python res = smf.ols(formula='Lottery ~ np.log(Literacy)', data=df).fit() print(res.params) Define a custom function: .. ipython:: python def log_plus_1(x): return np.log(x) + 1. res = smf.ols(formula='Lottery ~ log_plus_1(Literacy)', data=df).fit() print(res.params) .. _patsy-namespaces: Namespaces ---------- Notice that all of the above examples use the calling namespace to look for the functions to apply. The namespace used can be controlled via the ``eval_env`` keyword. For example, you may want to give a custom namespace using the :class:`patsy:patsy.EvalEnvironment` or you may want to use a "clean" namespace, which we provide by passing ``eval_func=-1``. The default is to use the caller's namespace. This can have (un)expected consequences, if, for example, someone has a variable names ``C`` in the user namespace or in their data structure passed to ``patsy``, and ``C`` is used in the formula to handle a categorical variable. See the `Patsy API Reference `_ for more information. Using formulas with models that do not (yet) support them --------------------------------------------------------- Even if a given ``statsmodels`` function does not support formulas, you can still use ``patsy``'s formula language to produce design matrices. Those matrices can then be fed to the fitting function as ``endog`` and ``exog`` arguments. To generate ``numpy`` arrays: .. ipython:: python import patsy f = 'Lottery ~ Literacy * Wealth' y, X = patsy.dmatrices(f, df, return_type='dataframe') print(y[:5]) print(X[:5]) To generate pandas data frames: .. ipython:: python f = 'Lottery ~ Literacy * Wealth' y, X = patsy.dmatrices(f, df, return_type='dataframe') print(y[:5]) print(X[:5]) .. ipython:: python print(smf.OLS(y, X).fit().summary())