Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Principal Component Analysis

Created on Tue Sep 29 20:11:23 2009
Author: josef-pktd

TODO : add class for better reuse of results

import numpy as np

[docs]def pca(data, keepdim=0, normalize=0, demean=True): '''principal components with eigenvector decomposition similar to princomp in matlab Parameters ---------- data : ndarray, 2d data with observations by rows and variables in columns keepdim : integer number of eigenvectors to keep if keepdim is zero, then all eigenvectors are included normalize : boolean if true, then eigenvectors are normalized by sqrt of eigenvalues demean : boolean if true, then the column mean is subtracted from the data Returns ------- xreduced : ndarray, 2d, (nobs, nvars) projection of the data x on the kept eigenvectors factors : ndarray, 2d, (nobs, nfactors) factor matrix, given by, evecs) evals : ndarray, 2d, (nobs, nfactors) eigenvalues evecs : ndarray, 2d, (nobs, nfactors) eigenvectors, normalized if normalize is true Notes ----- See Also -------- pcasvd : principal component analysis using svd ''' x = np.array(data) #make copy so original doesn't change, maybe not necessary anymore if demean: m = x.mean(0) else: m = np.zeros(x.shape[1]) x -= m # Covariance matrix xcov = np.cov(x, rowvar=0) # Compute eigenvalues and sort into descending order evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(xcov) indices = np.argsort(evals) indices = indices[::-1] evecs = evecs[:,indices] evals = evals[indices] if keepdim > 0 and keepdim < x.shape[1]: evecs = evecs[:,:keepdim] evals = evals[:keepdim] if normalize: #for i in range(shape(evecs)[1]): # evecs[:,i] / linalg.norm(evecs[:,i]) * sqrt(evals[i]) evecs = evecs/np.sqrt(evals) #np.sqrt(, evecs) * evals) # get factor matrix #x =, x.T) factors =, evecs) # get original data from reduced number of components #xreduced =, factors) + m #print x.shape, factors.shape, evecs.shape, m.shape xreduced =, evecs.T) + m return xreduced, factors, evals, evecs
[docs]def pcasvd(data, keepdim=0, demean=True): '''principal components with svd Parameters ---------- data : ndarray, 2d data with observations by rows and variables in columns keepdim : integer number of eigenvectors to keep if keepdim is zero, then all eigenvectors are included demean : boolean if true, then the column mean is subtracted from the data Returns ------- xreduced : ndarray, 2d, (nobs, nvars) projection of the data x on the kept eigenvectors factors : ndarray, 2d, (nobs, nfactors) factor matrix, given by, evecs) evals : ndarray, 2d, (nobs, nfactors) eigenvalues evecs : ndarray, 2d, (nobs, nfactors) eigenvectors, normalized if normalize is true See Also ------- pca : principal component analysis using eigenvector decomposition Notes ----- This doesn't have yet the normalize option of pca. ''' nobs, nvars = data.shape #print nobs, nvars, keepdim x = np.array(data) #make copy so original doesn't change if demean: m = x.mean(0) else: m = 0 ## if keepdim == 0: ## keepdim = nvars ## "print reassigning keepdim to max", keepdim x -= m U, s, v = np.linalg.svd(x.T, full_matrices=1) factors =, x.T).T #princomps if keepdim: xreduced =[:,:keepdim], U[:,:keepdim].T) + m else: xreduced = data keepdim = nvars "print reassigning keepdim to max", keepdim # s = evals, U = evecs # no idea why denominator for s is with minus 1 evals = s**2/(x.shape[0]-1) #print keepdim return xreduced, factors[:,:keepdim], evals[:keepdim], U[:,:keepdim] #, v
__all__ = ['pca', 'pcasvd']