
class statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.vecm.CointRankResults(rank, neqs, test_stats, crit_vals, method='trace', signif=0.05)[source]

A class for holding the results from testing the cointegration rank.

  • rank (int (0 <= rank <= neqs)) – The rank to choose according to the Johansen cointegration rank test.
  • neqs (int) – Number of variables in the time series.
  • test_stats (array-like (rank + 1 if rank < neqs else rank)) – A one-dimensional array-like object containing the test statistics of the conducted tests.
  • crit_vals (array-like (rank +1 if rank < neqs else rank)) – A one-dimensional array-like object containing the critical values corresponding to the entries in the test_stats argument.
  • method (str, {"trace", "maxeig"}, default: "trace") – If "trace", the trace test statistic is used. If "maxeig", the maximum eigenvalue test statistic is used.
  • signif (float, {0.1, 0.05, 0.01}, default: 0.05) – The test’s significance level.

