======================= Exceptions and Warnings ======================= Exceptions ---------- Errors derive from Exception or another custom error. Custom errors are only needed if standard errors, for example ValueError or TypeError, are not accurate descriptions of the cause for the error. .. module:: statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions :synopsis: Exceptions and Warnings .. currentmodule:: statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ ParseError PerfectSeparationError X13NotFoundError X13Error Warnings -------- Warnings derive from either an existing warning or another custom warning, and are often accompanied by a string using the format ``warning_name_doc`` that services as a generic message to use when the warning is raised. .. currentmodule:: statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ X13Warning IOWarning ModuleUnavailableWarning ModelWarning ConvergenceWarning CacheWriteWarning IterationLimitWarning InvalidTestWarning NotImplementedWarning OutputWarning DomainWarning ValueWarning EstimationWarning SingularMatrixWarning HypothesisTestWarning InterpolationWarning PrecisionWarning SpecificationWarning HessianInversionWarning CollinearityWarning