
class statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.vecm.VECMResults(endog, exog, exog_coint, k_ar, coint_rank, alpha, beta, gamma, sigma_u, deterministic='n', seasons=0, first_season=0, delta_y_1_T=None, y_lag1=None, delta_x=None, model=None, names=None, dates=None)[source]

Class for holding estimation related results of a vector error correction model (VECM).

endogndarray (neqs x nobs_tot)

Array of observations.

exogndarray (nobs_tot x neqs) or None

Deterministic terms outside the cointegration relation.

exog_cointndarray (nobs_tot x neqs) or None

Deterministic terms inside the cointegration relation.

k_arint, >= 1

Lags in the VAR representation. This implies that the number of lags in the VEC representation (=lagged differences) equals \(k_{ar} - 1\).

coint_rankint, 0 <= coint_rank <= neqs

Cointegration rank, equals the rank of the matrix \(\Pi\) and the number of columns of \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\).

alphandarray (neqs x coint_rank)

Estimate for the parameter \(\alpha\) of a VECM.

betandarray (neqs x coint_rank)

Estimate for the parameter \(\beta\) of a VECM.

gammandarray (neqs x neqs*(k_ar-1))

Array containing the estimates of the \(k_{ar}-1\) parameter matrices \(\Gamma_1, \dots, \Gamma_{k_{ar}-1}\) of a VECM(\(k_{ar}-1\)). The submatrices are stacked horizontally from left to right.

sigma_undarray (neqs x neqs)

Estimate of white noise process covariance matrix \(\Sigma_u\).

deterministicstr {"n", "co", "ci", "lo", "li"}
  • "n" - no deterministic terms

  • "co" - constant outside the cointegration relation

  • "ci" - constant within the cointegration relation

  • "lo" - linear trend outside the cointegration relation

  • "li" - linear trend within the cointegration relation

Combinations of these are possible (e.g. "cili" or "colo" for linear trend with intercept). See the docstring of the VECM-class for more information.

seasonsint, default: 0

Number of periods in a seasonal cycle. 0 means no seasons.

first_seasonint, default: 0

Season of the first observation.

delta_y_1_Tndarray or None, default: None

Auxiliary array for internal computations. It will be calculated if not given as parameter.

y_lag1ndarray or None, default: None

Auxiliary array for internal computations. It will be calculated if not given as parameter.

delta_xndarray or None, default: None

Auxiliary array for internal computations. It will be calculated if not given as parameter.


An instance of the VECM-class.

nameslist of str

Each str in the list represents the name of a variable of the time series.


For example a DatetimeIndex of length nobs_tot.


Number of observations (excluding the presample).

modelsee Parameters
y_allsee endog in Parameters
exogsee Parameters
exog_cointsee Parameters
namessee Parameters
datessee Parameters

Number of variables in the time series.

k_arsee Parameters
deterministicsee Parameters
seasonssee Parameters
first_seasonsee Parameters
alphasee Parameters
betasee Parameters
gammasee Parameters
sigma_usee Parameters
det_coef_cointndarray (#(determinist. terms inside the coint. rel.) x coint_rank)

Estimated coefficients for the all deterministic terms inside the cointegration relation.

const_cointndarray (1 x coint_rank)

If there is a constant deterministic term inside the cointegration relation, then const_coint is the first row of det_coef_coint. Otherwise it’s an ndarray of zeros.

lin_trend_cointndarray (1 x coint_rank)

If there is a linear deterministic term inside the cointegration relation, then lin_trend_coint contains the corresponding estimated coefficients. As such it represents the corresponding row of det_coef_coint. If there is no linear deterministic term inside the cointegration relation, then lin_trend_coint is an ndarray of zeros.

exog_coint_coefsndarray (exog_coint.shape[1] x coint_rank) or None

If deterministic terms inside the cointegration relation are passed via the exog_coint parameter, then exog_coint_coefs contains the corresponding estimated coefficients. As such exog_coint_coefs represents the last rows of det_coef_coint. If no deterministic terms were passed via the exog_coint parameter, this attribute is None.

det_coefndarray (neqs x #(deterministic terms outside the coint. rel.))

Estimated coefficients for the all deterministic terms outside the cointegration relation.

constndarray (neqs x 1) or (neqs x 0)

If a constant deterministic term outside the cointegration is specified within the deterministic parameter, then const is the first column of det_coef_coint. Otherwise it’s an ndarray of size zero.

seasonalndarray (neqs x seasons)

If the seasons parameter is > 0, then seasonal contains the estimated coefficients corresponding to the seasonal terms. Otherwise it’s an ndarray of size zero.

lin_trendndarray (neqs x 1) or (neqs x 0)

If a linear deterministic term outside the cointegration is specified within the deterministic parameter, then lin_trend contains the corresponding estimated coefficients. As such it represents the corresponding column of det_coef_coint. If there is no linear deterministic term outside the cointegration relation, then lin_trend is an ndarray of size zero.

exog_coefsndarray (neqs x exog_coefs.shape[1])

If deterministic terms outside the cointegration relation are passed via the exog parameter, then exog_coefs contains the corresponding estimated coefficients. As such exog_coefs represents the last columns of det_coef. If no deterministic terms were passed via the exog parameter, this attribute is an ndarray of size zero.

_delta_y_1_Tsee delta_y_1_T in Parameters
_y_lag1see y_lag1 in Parameters
_delta_xsee delta_x in Parameters

Cointegration rank, equals the rank of the matrix \(\Pi\) and the number of columns of \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\).


The model’s log-likelihood.

cov_paramsndarray (d x d)

Covariance matrix of the parameters. The number of rows and columns, d (used in the dimension specification of this argument), is equal to neqs * (neqs+num_det_coef_coint + neqs*(k_ar-1)+number of deterministic dummy variables outside the cointegration relation). For the case with no deterministic terms this matrix is defined on p. 287 in [1] as \(\Sigma_{co}\) and its relationship to the ML-estimators can be seen in eq. (7.2.21) on p. 296 in [1].


Covariance matrix of the parameters \(\tilde{\Pi}, \tilde{\Gamma}\) where \(\tilde{\Pi} = \tilde{\alpha} \tilde{\beta'}\). Equals cov_params without the rows and columns related to deterministic terms. This matrix is defined as \(\Sigma_{co}\) on p. 287 in [1].

stderr_paramsndarray (d)

Array containing the standard errors of \(\Pi\), \(\Gamma\), and estimated parameters related to deterministic terms.

stderr_cointndarray (neqs+num_det_coef_coint x coint_rank)

Array containing the standard errors of \(\beta\) and estimated parameters related to deterministic terms inside the cointegration relation.

stderr_alphandarray (neqs x coint_rank)

The standard errors of \(\alpha\).

stderr_betandarray (neqs x coint_rank)

The standard errors of \(\beta\).

stderr_det_coef_cointndarray (num_det_coef_coint x coint_rank)

The standard errors of estimated the parameters related to deterministic terms inside the cointegration relation.

stderr_gammandarray (neqs x neqs*(k_ar-1))

The standard errors of \(\Gamma_1, \ldots, \Gamma_{k_{ar}-1}\).

stderr_det_coefndarray (neqs x det. terms outside the coint. relation)

The standard errors of estimated the parameters related to deterministic terms outside the cointegration relation.

tvalues_alphandarray (neqs x coint_rank)
tvalues_betandarray (neqs x coint_rank)
tvalues_det_coef_cointndarray (num_det_coef_coint x coint_rank)
tvalues_gammandarray (neqs x neqs*(k_ar-1))
tvalues_det_coefndarray (neqs x det. terms outside the coint. relation)
pvalues_alphandarray (neqs x coint_rank)
pvalues_betandarray (neqs x coint_rank)
pvalues_det_coef_cointndarray (num_det_coef_coint x coint_rank)
pvalues_gammandarray (neqs x neqs*(k_ar-1))
pvalues_det_coefndarray (neqs x det. terms outside the coint. relation)
var_rep(k_ar x neqs x neqs)

KxK parameter matrices \(A_i\) of the corresponding VAR representation. If the return value is assigned to a variable A, these matrices can be accessed via A[i] for \(i=0, \ldots, k_{ar}-1\).

cov_var_reprndarray (neqs**2 * k_ar x neqs**2 * k_ar)

This matrix is called \(\Sigma^{co}_{\alpha}\) on p. 289 in [1]. It is needed e.g. for impulse-response-analysis.

fittedvaluesndarray (nobs x neqs)

The predicted in-sample values of the models’ endogenous variables.

residndarray (nobs x neqs)

The residuals.


[1] (1,2,3,4)

Lütkepohl, H. 2005. New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis. Springer.









orth_ma_rep([maxn, P])

Compute orthogonalized MA coefficient matrices.


Plot the input time series.

plot_forecast(steps[, alpha, plot_conf_int, ...])

Plot the forecast.

predict([steps, alpha, exog_fc, exog_coint_fc])

Calculate future values of the time series.


Return a summary of the estimation results.

test_granger_causality(caused[, causing, signif])

Test for Granger-causality.

test_inst_causality(causing[, signif])

Test for instantaneous causality.


Test assumption of normal-distributed errors using Jarque-Bera-style omnibus \(\\chi^2\) test.

test_whiteness([nlags, signif, adjusted])

Test the whiteness of the residuals using the Portmanteau test.





Gives the covariance matrix of the corresponding VAR-representation.


Return the in-sample values of endog calculated by the model.


Compute the VECM's loglikelihood.







Return the difference between observed and fitted values.




Standard errors of beta and deterministic terms inside the cointegration relation.











Last update: Oct 21, 2024