Travel Mode Choice


The data, collected as part of a 1987 intercity mode choice study, are a sub-sample of 210 non-business trips between Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne in which the traveler chooses a mode from four alternatives (plane, car, bus and train). The sample, 840 observations, is choice based with over-sampling of the less popular modes (plane, train and bus) and under-sampling of the more popular mode, car. The level of service data was derived from highway and transport networks in Sydney, Melbourne, non-metropolitan N.S.W. and Victoria, including the Australian Capital Territory.


Number of observations: 840 Observations On 4 Modes for 210 Individuals.
Number of variables: 8
Variable name definitions::

    individual = 1 to 210
    mode =
        1 - air
        2 - train
        3 - bus
        4 - car
    choice =
        0 - no
        1 - yes
    ttme = terminal waiting time for plane, train and bus (minutes); 0
           for car.
    invc = in vehicle cost for all stages (dollars).
    invt = travel time (in-vehicle time) for all stages (minutes).
    gc = generalized cost measure:invc+(invt*value of travel time savings)
    hinc = household income ($1000s).
    psize = traveling group size in mode chosen (number).


Greene, W.H. and D. Hensher (1997) Multinomial logit and discrete choice models in Greene, W. H. (1997) LIMDEP version 7.0 user’s manual revised, Plainview, New York econometric software, Inc. Download from on-line complements to Greene, W.H. (2011) Econometric Analysis, Prentice Hall, 7th Edition (data table F18-2)

This is public domain.

Last update: Oct 03, 2024